This guest post was written by Jeff Brain, executive director of Coach-Mentors.

My experience with recovery is that as a connector – someone who has the privilege and responsibility of connecting people who are struggling with the help and resources they need.

In most cases, I am hearing from and responding to parents or family members who are scared and feeling hopeless – concerned but unsure what to do to help their family member.

It is a humbling and rewarding experience to help these individuals sort through their options, reframe their thinking, and discover hope and possibility.

My message to all families: make the call. Ask for help, and keep asking for help until you find what works.

I work in many layers of help – therapy, residential, coaching, mentoring – and what one person needs may be different than another.

The process starts with that first call. It can be daunting, overwhelming, and even embarrassing to begin sharing with another the realities of what is going on. But it is essential to take that first step – to ask and be willing to do something different than what has already been done.

I wish you hope and peace.

This guest post was submitted as a part of our Recovery Month 2018 efforts. Jeff Brain, the author, is executive director of Coach-Mentors.

Coach-Mentors is a program that helps clients put into practice the goals they are working on by providing practical assistance in the “real-world” between therapy sessions or following residential treatment. We meet clients at home or in the community with the goal of getting things done and connecting the important work in therapy with everyday life. Coach-Mentors also supports therapists by helping their clients translate the work done in therapy into “real-life: success, thus reinforcing the value and effectiveness of therapy. Coach-Mentors also offers parent/family coaching and leadership/career coaching services.

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